St. Luke's

St. Luke's
Catholic Academy

Our Lady Fatima


The Maths Curriculum across the Trust follows the National Curriculum 2014 and is based on the Abacus Programme. Abacus is  “a unique maths toolkit written for the new primary maths curriculum by an expert author team, that’s been carefully crafted on a robust approach to creating inspired and confident young mathematicians.

It is built on four pillars that underpin teaching and learning for calculation in Maths:

  • Place Value,
  • Number Facts,
  • Models and Images and
  • Doubling and Halving.

The Abacus Programme has been “built to ensure children develop a robust understanding and secure foundation in maths” and includes a series of detailed skills progressions.

Teachers supplement their Maths teaching with other maths resources and use 'real world', concrete, iconic and symbolic representations to aid and develop understanding.

Maths home learning is set either using Interactive activities (through the Abacus programme), which may include videos of how a particular aspect is being taught, or alternative activities.


Specific teaching for each year group can be found in the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) documents on each class page.