St. Luke's

St. Luke's
Catholic Academy

Our Lady Fatima



Welcome to Mini-Vinnies 2024-25, who met for the first time this week and already have a  busy task of getting us ready for the Macmillan Coffee Morning at the end of this month. 

Get your baking hats on! 

new team 24-25


Mini-Vinnies at the Food Bank 

Following our very successful Harvest Collection the Mini- vinnies went today to deliver all the wonderful contributions.  We have leant lots about how this essential service is run. 


February 2025 

Mini-Vinnies had a great time today visiting our neighbours across the road at the ECL Learning Disabilities Centre. Children had the opportunity to play some games and enjoy some fun together. 

Look at the beautiful prayer cards Mini-Vinnies have made for the parishioners of St Luke's and Holy Cross Parish this Easter. 

March 2025 Minnie Vinnies met Chris Vince MP to tell him about their concerns about the busy traffic outside school and all they have done to help .He is very keen to work with us to make it a safer place. 

Mini-Vinnies are busy making Easter gardens ready for after the holidays when Jesus has risen. There is one part still missing- do you know what it can be?