St. Luke's

St. Luke's
Catholic Academy

Our Lady Fatima

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to a brand new, exciting school year!

Below is some key information that you might need to refer to as the year progresses. Please feel free to contact me via email or call to the front office rather than at the end or start of the day and I will get back to you.

Please click here to access the Year 4 Welcome Sway

The Year 4 Team

Class Teacher: Miss Fisher

LSAs: Mrs Sarkies

This terms Caritas Curriculum Learning


Year 4's question 'Who is my community?'


The children launch this unit enjoying Bill’s New Frock and discovering how stereotypes can shape/affect our beliefs of others. By learning how our bodies digest food and the structure of food chains in science we really look at ourselves inside out! Through history we discover how Anglo Saxons built their community and research primary and secondary sources using our safe computing skills and build a picture of their views and how community life has changed over time. Through art that tells stories, we create our own version of Beowulf a creature who gobbled people up inside out! By learning to sing Mamma Mia in music we really let our emotions lead the go.


Year 4 Caritas Learning Overview 


caritas curriculum year 4.pdf


inside out knowledge organiser autumn .pdf



Home learning

Please find the home learning menus for the topic we are studying in the 'Our learning' tab to the side of this page. Please ensure that children complete their home learning each week either in their book on on their TEAMS notebook.


home learning inside out autumn 1.pdf


home learning spellings and times tables autumn 1.pdf




 Our PE lessons are on Monday and Thursday.

Children are expected to bring their PE kits into school at the start of the half term ready and leave it in class ready for these days (it will be taken home at the end of the half term). Make sure that your child's names are on all of their kit. Please ensure that your child has the correct indoor and outdoor kit, as the weather gets colder and wetter children will need to be dressed appropriately as they will be in their kits all day. Earrings must be taken out before PE lessons, either by the parent or the child- staff are not permitted to do this.


Swimming will be in the Autumn term, this will need to be paid for before we go. Children will need their swimming costume/ swimming trunks, a towel and a swimming hat (for all children). It is advisable that the children take an extra set of underwear and socks just in case. Goggles are optional. 

Swimming will start on Thursday 12th September 2024 for 7 weeks. 

Other Helpful Hints


It is expected that children are heard to read at home for at least 10-15 minutes a day and that this is recorded in their reading diaries. Your child must have completed the book and have their diary signed with a note informing staff of completion, in order for their book to be changed. It is important to check your child’s understanding of what they are reading, especially as they begin to read longer and more complex books. This can be done through discussing the book with your child and through questioning them about specific aspects after or during reading.

It is important that your child brings their reading diary in every day as we encourage them to talk to us about the reading they do at home as well as in class. We have reading time every day, and during the course of the week, children will read independently, with a partner or group and with an adult.

Spellings and Times Tables

Each week, as a part of their home learning, children will be expected to learn a set of spellings and a set of times tables which they will be quizzed on the following week. These spellings are based on the Year Three and Four National Curriculum spelling list. Children should be encouraged to look for and learn spelling patterns in these words and other words. It is expected that by the end of Year Four all children will know the times tables, by heart, up to 12x12. Please practise these regularly at home and do not forget that all children have a log on to Times Tables Rockstars. 

It is more beneficial to work on spellings and times tables in short bursts; 5-10 minutes every day, rather than longer sessions. It is also very helpful to encourage your child to learn the meanings of these words (and other unfamiliar words) as well as helping them to develop their ability to apply these in context by writing a few sentences.